Design and …
I am bidding on a website project today and I always get a little nervous about it. I love being fairly priced for my customers and would be horrified if someone thought I wasn’t. The truth is, as for anything that comes with a “creative” sticker, sometimes people don’t know how much time goes in to something until they’ve experienced it themselves. Website design, even for all the time I’ve been working at it, is one of those impossible project categories to estimate. I stink at it. So I just hope and pray it goes well for both parties and we both end up with something that does what it should!
I stumbled across this article while looking at what people have to say about website design, and I wasn’t sure how much of it to take seriously. Especially when it doesn’t really pertain to small towns in Waseca, or even most towns – look at the price ranges they talk about, and have a good laugh. 🙂 But some of the more low estimates make sense and that’s why I bothered to mention the article at all. Your thoughts?